Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday Brunch: The Cheesecake Experience!

Who ever thought this Sunday tradition would be so fun. Seth, Aaron, Scott and myself have been going to Sunday brunch each week. It's turned into a great tradition that I look forward to every Sunday. Today we decided to have our brunch at the new Cheesecake Factory at the Fashion Place Mall.

I was running a little late this morning...for some reason Seth and Aaron like to schedule brunch at the butt-crack of dawn, and this morning I just didn't wake up in time. Today we were "popping the brunch cherry" for Chase. I picked him up and we headed down the restaurant. When we arrived, we were greeted by some pretty heavy doors. They looked cool though. Everyone was already seated, and as we approached our table, we noticed Ryan Bott sitting there too. I guess we "popped his brunch cherry" as well. Very exciting.

As we sat down we were greeted by our waiter...dressed in all white attire. One could think we were at the temple or was an interesting choice of uniform.

As usual, I ordered the French Toast with scrambled eggs, and a side of bacon. haha My favorite brunch meal. Ryan had this really gross looking Hash something-or-other.

After Brunch was over, we said our good-byes to Seth and Aaron. The rest of us went over to the mall for a bit. I had to buy some more lotion and new Wall Flowers, to help our house not smell like crap. It's been really bad lately.

It was a great brunch today (even though the weather was not fun).

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