Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pei Wei vs. PF Changs

So my assistant and I have pretty much a daily tradition of going somewhere to eat for lunch. We are deathly afraid of the food in the hotel cafeteria (a.k.a. the Salt Cellar) so we find ourselves becoming poor by eating out. Today I was pretty set on grabbing a good old fashioned hot dog at the corner hot dog stand. I love it's so yummy and costs like $3 for a couple hot dogs, chips and a soda. PERFECT! Well, of course Jessica had to come up with a better plan of going to Pei Wei for lunch.

The plan was, she was going to go cut our co-worker Scott's hair during lunch at his place and then bring Pei Wei back to the office for us. I couldn't wait. I tried to think of a way to justify still going over to the corner stand and having a couple of hot dogs before she got back, but then I'd just be a pig.

It seemed like she was gone FOREVER!!! Oh wait...she was. My stomach was gurgling. What's even worse was when she finally got back, I was stuck on the phone with a client for 30 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could smell the food from my own office and I was dying. In my head I was thinking. "What is the easiest way of ending this conversation so I can go eat...." I hung up the phone and went into the conference room to eat...I noticed they had brought back literally like 40 fortune cookies and left me 2 soy sauce packets...real nice!

Jessica seems to think that Pei Wei is better than PF Changs. I can't help but completely disagree!! Pei Wei is great, but there is soemthing so tastefully special about PF Changs. Maybe it's the fact that I eat there EVERY year on my birthday.'s just soooooo good. Jessica doesn't know what she is talking about....Hmmm....what do you think?

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I think Jessica is a genious and she meant to bring more soy sauce packets it's just that everyone got to them before you! And she does agree with scary Salt Cellar Food!