Friday, December 5, 2008

212º - The Extra Degree

Ok, so I was at a meeting this morning, and I came back to my office to find a book sitting on my desk. The book was entitled 212º the extra degree.

So I opened it up and the preface reads:

"Applying one extra degree of temperature to water means the difference between something that is simply very hot and something that generates enough force to power a machine - a beautifully uncomplicated metaphor that ideally should feed our every endeavor - consistently pushing us to make the extra effort in every task, action and effort we undertake...."

I started reading all of the simple suggestions that help in general life...or even as specifically as if you were a Baseball Coach. It's amazing the little things you can do...the extra degree that you add...and how that truly can affect things. My favorite one so far (there is much more to read) is:

212 commitment
Put a smile in the path of complain...once daily.
Cease to complain.

I work in an environment where there is always just so much negativity and it is exhausting. I work with some people who tend to complain about EVERYTHING...but if I help set the standard and not complain at least once a day, that is 365 seeds of negativity that I eliminate :) Here's to hoping it works.

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