So about 3 weeks ago, I got cast in this feature film called "The Yankles." I originally wasn't planning to audition because the auditions were clear down in Provo, and it was a busy day at work, so I told my agent I wouldn't make this one. Well a few days later they called back pretty much saying that I had been requested this time, and so it seemed like they really needed me. So I said, ok...and went down to audition. The character I was going for was "Teshome" an Ethiopian who joins the baseball team. He is suppose to have some type of accent, and so I attempted to deliver what I thought was a rendition of an ethiopian accent...well really it ended up coming out more "Russian" than anything, but it worked well, and....I got the roll.
In a nutshell...the film is about The Yeshiva (A Jewish College) who forms a baseball team. Well, they don't have any direction or guidance, so they turn to an old ball player who is on Parole and needs some community service time, to lend a hand. In turn he is adapting to this whole Jewish culture that he is obviously not used to at all, and the team is learning a little bit about baseball.
Today was our first day on set. We filmed at the Mulligan Batting Cages in South Jordan. Nothing had really hit me yet until I was driving on 106th South approaching the location and saw all the many trailers and equipment out and ready for us. It was sooooo cool. I checked in, and went to my assigned "TRAILER!" That's right....I have a trailer!!!!! Inside the trailer, my costume for the day was waiting along with my contract. So I got dressed, and headed over to Hair & Make-Up. Basically they said I looked great, and all they needed to do was apply sun screen on my face and I was good to go....that was easy!
So after my 3 minute visit in Hair and Make-up I was ready to get started. They were already shooting another scene with a couple of the leads, so we had to just hang out and wait. A bunch of the other "Yankles" players were done and waiting around so we all just got to talk and hang out. This was about 9:00 when I was done and just hanging out.
The crazy part about shooting a movie is that there is a lot of hurry and wait...or just wait haha. We pretty much waited around for about 2 - 2.5 hours before we began our portion of filming. The 2nd Assistant Director kept coming around saying "Just about 10 minutes away from beginning." haha I think she came around maybe 5 or 6 times saying "10 minutes." So all of us guys kept joking about it..."Don't worry you guys, just 10 more minutes." haha SO by the time it was REALLY 10 minutes away, we didn't believe it haha.
11:30ish rolls around, and we finally get to head over to the set, and shoot our scene at the Batting Cages. I was one of the guys in the cage at bat. And they just shot a bunch of clips of us hitting balls in the cage. I was pretty excited when I actually hit a few balls. It had been a little while since I've played ball, so it was fun when it all started coming back to me. After shooting that scene, we were wrapped for the day haha....easy 4 hours work/ half hour of shooting hehe.
This is truly the beginning of 3 intense weeks of work/fun! I'm really excited to keep you updated on how things go :) STAY TUNED.....
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