There is such a good story behind that title, let me tell you. But first..."DOO DAH DOO DOO!" we have come to the end of Day 4!!!!! haha Is it weird if it seems to be going by fast, but at the same time you think, "It's only day 4?!"
Well, today was a crazy long day. I met the carpool at the Smiths in Draper (12300 South). We lounged on the cool picnic chairs on display out front while waiting for freaking "Peter Pressure Penis Wipe" (inside joke) Matt! So he drove up, and the same folks that drove down yesterday together were going to hop in the same car that Matt was driving. Well, I ran to my car to get my stuff out of my car, and all of the sudden I see them driving off into the distance!!!!! Yeah thanks alot jerks!! So I rode down with my real friends, Tyler and Mark. As usual we arrived early (this time about a half hour) so that we could enjoy a nice breakfast cooked for us by Pig Boys...well for some reason, they thought, "Well, they are here, we are not going to let them eat, and make them get ready a half hour early!!" WTF!?!?!? I am never going early again. I had fixed myself this nice plate, and it was all wasted....WASTED I TELL YA!
So...needless to say, my day started out a little rough. lol But they managed to put us right to work, which was nice not having to sit around doing nothing. So we began to film a few scenes using an old classroom in the Peteetneet Academy. (oh yeah, by the way...we are STILL in Payson!) haha Garet and I sat by each other most of the day. The classroom we were in was pretty warm, and he taught me a trick to keep myself cool using my hands as a sort of vent. So I was pretty excited about that. Also during this time...Garet, Boris (The Director of Photography, and myself) all decided that Dusty really just likes to yell....almost like it is a fetish of his haha. For those of you just joining us, Dusty is our 1st Assistant Director/Line Producer on the show. He says funny things like "Roll sound for god's sake!" He's great. The really cool thing is he has a lot of connections, and invited us all to give him our headshots/resumes & e-mails so we can all stay in touch and he can hopefully hook us up down the road.
They wouldn't let us go back to Base Camp (Where our Trailers were located) if we weren't being used, so in between shots and what not, we found ourselves across the hall in another room. It was much cooler in that room (they had A/C piping in). Speaking of A/C...they use those really cool temporary silver tubes to pipe it in...they almost look like slinkys. haha So during the break we played around with it a bit...discovered that I can actually fit inside the tube, so we put it over me, and it was like a walking slinky. Look for it on the behind the scenes takes on the Yankles DVD. It was pretty funny.
Also while we were waiting we ended up on the subject of 80's bands. It basically came down to the point that we felt like most of the 80's bands were pretty "Gay" haha...Erasure, Wham, Queen, etc. haha It was a funny conversation that seemed to keep us singing constantly. haha I love the 80s and there is no changing that.
We then had a nice long break and they decided to let most of us head back to our Trailers if we would like. So we did!!!! It was much cooler over there for sure. So Garet and I went and chilled on the grassy hill, and Susanne (the lead female) and her little dog blue, came over to visit and we all just talked for a while. It was nice, and fun to get to know her a little more. Then of course after maybe an hour, our time was up, and they took us back over to set.
Here we started filming a scene that takes place in the Jewish Synagogue (sp.) haha Garet and I headed straight for the front pew so that we were sure to be in the shot!! hehe Now, I get to tell you the story behind the title...I can't remember if I have mentioned it before, but David (The great Director) and Boris (The Director of Photography) always have cute little arguments on set. It seems pretty typical to have differences of opinions, and we all just laugh when it happens because it is just so silly. Well, today...David mentions something, and then all of the sudden you see him walking somewhere, and Boris is running after him and you hear Boris say, "Hi, David? I'm your cinematographer. Remember me?" It was sooooo funny and we couldn't stop laughing about it. Then of course Dusty chimes in later on with one of his "Dusty-isms": "Make no mistake...I - AM - THE BOSS!" haha He kills me.
So we're filming this sequence, and we are all suppose to be singing this Jewish Prayer out of our Prayer Books, but they didn't bother teaching us the song, and were just planning to dub the voices over later. Well, it seemed funny to me that if we were all mouthing our own version of the song, we weren't going to look together, so I hope it turns out well. We finally wrap on this big scene for the day. It involved a ton of extras and what not...and got out of there at like 9:30 or so.
It was a long day, but thankfully we have some really fun people in our little circle, and we just keep each other etertained! Only two more days of shooting in Payson (Friday, and Monday!) So not too bad. Tomorrow I don't have to be there untile 1:30 PM!!!!!! It's a miracle!
Anywho as always, thank you for reading, and be on the look-out for some pictures and even video coming soon!!!!
Much Love To Ya!
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